Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Life painting of a Friends dog.

Monday, 21 September 2015

Started off as a doodle but really liked where this was going so fleshed it out a bit. I'm calling this one "vines"

Sunday, 5 April 2015

These two were done for my cgma class week 7. 

This is my week 8 assignment for my CGMA class  

Here are some thumbnails I did while taking my CGMA class

Building Thumbnails 

Rock Thumbnails

Land Mass Thumbnails

Some lighting studies done for my CGMA class

Some colour studies done for my cgma class. Usury I start in grey scale but these 3 were made by jumping straight into colour.   

Some more sketches done for my cgma class. 

Here are some quick sketches based off a made up island. This was done for my cgma class Fundamentals of environment design with Kalen Chock  

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

I'm taking Fundamentals of Environment design class with CGMA. The class is being run by Kalen Chock.  Here is my week 1 homework. These are studies taken form reference photos. 




Monday, 26 January 2015

Stylised desert painting based on photo reference.